70+ Funny Running Quotes & Memes That Will Make You Laugh

Funny Running Quotes & Memes

Running is indeed good for your health, but it’s also true that laughter is the best medicine.

Sharing a laugh can be a great way to remind ourselves not to take things too seriously.

Whether you’re a brand-new runner or a seasoned marathoner, you’ll find something relatable in these.

Just like those hilarious anxiety memes that are so relatable, these running quotes capture the humor in our shared experiences.

I’ve put together a list of my favorite funny running quotes and memes that all runners can enjoy.

Funny Running Quotes

A Person Tying Their Running Shoes, Preparing for A Run
Run like you stole it

“Running late is my cardio.”

“Run like zombies are chasing you.”

“I’m only half crazy (13.1).”

“Run like you stole it.”

I like my morning run more than I like most people.

“Life is short. Running makes it seem longer.”

I run because I love my body. And carbs. I love carbs.

This seems like a lot of work for a free banana.

A person running with a humorous quote on the image, "If you can read this, I'm not last"
If you can read this, I’m not last

If you’re on the treadmill next to me, yes, we are racing.

Whenever I see someone running faster than me, I assume they aren’t going as far.

No one supports your running more than a social media friend you’ve never met.

Someone busier than you is running right now.

You know you’re a runner when the most expensive shoes you own are running shoes.

If you see me collapse, pause my Garmin.

It’s fine. I ran today.

A Person Crouching on A Track, Wearing Nike Shoes, Preparing to Run
Source: Youtube/Screenshot, That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nike and you can’t do it

“A good run is like a cup of coffee. I’m much nicer after I’ve had one.” – Unknown

“How do you know if someone ran a marathon? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.” – Jimmy Fallon

Slow runners make fast runners look good. You’re welcome.

“Long-distance running is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical.” – Rich Hall

“My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.” – Milton Berle

“Remember, the second most important thing to choosing the right shoe is choosing the left one.” – Unknown

“Every pizza is a personal pizza when you’re marathon training.” – Runner’s World

“If you see me running, you should run too. Something is probably chasing me.”

“My running style can best be described as startled gazelle.”

“I run because punching people is frowned upon.”

“I thought they said rum.”

“I’m running out of excuses to not run.”

“Running won’t solve all your problems. But then again, neither will sitting on the couch.”

A Close-Up View of An Empty Running Track with Curved Lanes
The first rule of running club: You always talk about running club

“Run like your phone is at 1% battery.”

“Why do all these 5Ks start with running?”

“If I collapse, just drag me across the finish line.”

“The only marathon I do is binge-watching Netflix.”

“If you’re running with me, be prepared to walk.”

“If running is so good for you, why do my legs feel like they’re dying?”

Marathon training is just an expensive way to lose toenails.”

“When I run, I think about how much I want to stop running.”

“I run so I can eat like an unsupervised child at a birthday party.”

“I don’t sweat. I sparkle.”

“Running is cheaper than therapy… but not by much.”

“My running pace is somewhere between a sloth and a turtle.”

@mileswithem44 Yesterday, my legs were dead after the Calvert and Harvard Hills… I tried so hard and didn’t PR, but I’m so proud of my effort because I gave it my all🏃🏻‍♀️ #runtok #runnerstiktok #runnergirl #happyrunner #halfmarathonrunner #running #runningquotes #runnerslife #runnersworld #runnerstok ♬ boom clap speed up – 𝟑𝟎𝟑 XSV

“Nothing makes me feel more accomplished than outrunning someone in jeans.”

“Good things come to those who sweat.”

“Every mile is my favorite mile… said no runner ever.”

“Race bibs are just adult participation trophies.”

“My pace is somewhere between ‘hey, good job’ and ‘do you need help?’”

“I run because I really, really like dessert.”

“I love running… except for the actual running part.”

“Sorry for what I said when I was tapering.”

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions… and also running shoes.”

“I run slower than a dial-up internet connection.”

“I start out running with enthusiasm… then regret everything about 10 minutes in.”

“Runners don’t hit the wall; they crash right through it.”

“When someone asks how my run was, I just say ‘character-building.’”

“I may be slow, but I make up for it with stubbornness.”

“Rest days are just carbo-loading for future races.”

“The only thing I chase is the ice cream truck.”

“Sometimes I wonder if running is actually bad for me… and then I keep running.”

“Nothing makes me question my life choices quite like the last mile of a run.”

“You know you’re a runner when you plan vacations around races.”

“The best thing about finishing a long run? Sitting down.”

“The hardest part of running is putting on your shoes.”

“Running is a great way to spend time with your thoughts… and regret all of them.”

“I only run on days that end in Y.”

“It’s not sweating. It’s liquid awesome.

“I’m not competitive, but if you pass me, I’ll die trying to catch up.”

“The first five minutes of running: ‘I got this!’ The next five minutes: ‘Why am I like this?’”

“Some runners measure their runs in miles. I measure mine in snacks.”

“Runners have the best calves… and the worst toenails.”

“There is no such thing as an easy run. Just various levels of suffering.”

“When life gives you lemons, go for a run… and then eat a donut.”

“Run like there’s a brunch reservation at the finish line.”

5 Running Memes


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